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Ecological organic Hotel with king´s garden at Starnberger See in Germany
Values and objectives of DURASNO
Eco Travel shouldn´t be an obligation. Instead, it offers the possibility of experiencing nature and social components like communication to every individual! Relaxation is part of Travelling. But how can one relax, if constantly bothered by digital media, smart phones and such?
DURASNO is having a remedy for this obstacle!
It is our mission to provide you with a list of offers, preselected on the basis of sustainable criteria by our TEAM. In addition we are listing information regarding current topics. We would like to inspire you to engage in sustainable trips, Eco Travel and be the chosen source of expertise regarding Sustainable Tourism. We forward you directly to our partners, where you can choose your desired service.
Using DURASNO saves nature and is totally free of charge!
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DURASNO supports Eco Tourism activities
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DURASNO provides an exclusive selection process
Our 6 Travel Categories
Digital Detox, Active in Nature, Yoga, Retreat & Healing and Wellness. Our brandnew category „Voluntourism“ is being constructed and will soon be available. Each topic is structured similarily and offers specific background info
and sustainable offers from our partners.
Get inspired and browse through our content.
Our Team
A cross-sectional Team made of different areas of expertise & experiences. We complement our skills and share our biggest passions: Travel and Sustainable Living.
Feel free to give some feedback below.

Social Media & Network Manager
Background: Environmental Engineer
Skills: Network
Interests: Sports & Dogs

Manager Strategy, Finance & Analytics
Background: Tourism Management
Skills: International Experience
Interests: Nature & Fitness

Web Design & Marketing Manager
Background: Media Engineering
Skills: RPA
Interests: Photos & Yoga